Saturday, September 01, 2007

I'm Back

Not that I stopped blogging, but I wanted a wider readership (don't we all). So I've been posting over at the Great Orange Satan for most of the last year. Notice that I became a Kossack, as opposed to a lurker, a short while before the 2006 elections...about the time of the last posting here. I did some cross-posting but then gave it up.

Today, I'm back, returning to Blogger to kick off a new book blog (will put link here when created) and what should I find - A COMMENT! Thanks to Steve Cooke, my commenter (so what if his comment was a sort of advertisement, I'll take what I can get, at least I'm not reduced to self-publishing, oh wait...), I've decided to resume my ruminations here. Maybe some few folks will stumble across them, maybe not. But this is the right place for rambling.

I usually do DKos diaries once a month, when I really feel motivated to say something significant. Then I spend some time thinking about what I'm trying to say. As opposed to DKos comments, where I just shoot off my mouth as fast as my fingers can type - which my coworkers can attest is maybe just a bit faster than I think. Before I hit post, I try to remember to pause and reread what I've said (since you can't edit comments after you post). But a lot of times, I end up shaking my head because the word 'not' got in there where it wasn't supposed to be or wasn't there when it was needed and my comment - not generating mojo as planned - is lucky not to be troll rated.

So this place will return to being something in between. With the much improved editing features I find here on Blogger, I've added the links on the side that I visit often. Anyone else happening across my post here might enjoy them, too. Steve, whaddya think?

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