Monday, September 04, 2006

News Barf

It's just been an overload lately. So much, too much to write. It's all so illogical I wonder why any of it has to be explained to anyone.

Rummy called 61% of the population 'morally and intellectually confused' and equated us with Nazi sympathizers. Thank goodness for Keith Olbermann (see my Aug. 31 post).

Bush whipped an American Legion crowd into a froth like a revival preacher applying every label he can think of to his nebulous foe. Protesters in Salt Lake City weren't moved.

The Washington Post editorial staff has followed the lemmings off the cliff (the MSM would be the lemmings) by printing an editorial saying that Joe Wilson is responsible for outing his CIA agent wife. Maybe they borrowed some of Rush Limbaugh's drugs? Goodbye 4th estate. First the Gray Lady, now the WaPo.

The Maine National Guard is distributing cardboard replicas of soldiers to their families. WTF?

It's even happening locally. Here's a bizarro letter from my former neighbor (Get the Crazies Off the Lawn) castigating a nearby town to get some normal people. This gal would in fact be very happy living in Orwell's 1984 - the reason we don't live in her area anymore. Neighborhood covenants are the deathknell of civilized society. I think I'll paint my mailbox orange.

ABC is going to air a fact-challenged 'film' about the causes of the bombing of the World Trade Center. Seems like part of the Republican National Committee's propaganda in support of the midterm elections. Don't worry, they say, it's not a documentary. So then, I guess it's ok to broadcast unchallenged lies.

Read this short story. Obviously, malicious aliens have changed our timeline. It's the only explanation for the highjacking of our country by a wealthy oligarchy.

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