Friday, September 29, 2006

USA Jumps the Shark

Along with everyone in the executive branch of government, here's the list of congresspersons now guilty of human rights abuses carried out by the United States.

Look for those who voted YEA.

The tally in the Senate was 65 yea, 34 nay, and one not voting (perhaps Senator Snowe (R-ME) didn't consider this an important issue?). This is a shameful 2/3 of the senators voting to shred our constitution. Strange. I thought these people liked our form of government. Why do those voting yea hate America?

Special note to Senators Chafee (R-RI) and Jeffords (I-NH) for voting nay.


The tally in the House was 253 aye, 168 no, 12 not voting (cowering in bed rather than showing your true position today?). Special consideration for the 7 Republicans and 1 Independent who voted no.

Venom especially directed at the 34 Democratic representatives and 12 Democratic senators who voted for torture by the US. You all make me ill and shouldn't consider yourselves members of the Democratic party anymore.

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